I preferred to serve as an aperitif, so no salad for me ... Ingredients (6 servings): 1 fresh gingerbread 1 fresh epoisses (especially not refined!) 1 green salad Cut slices of gingerbread ( 2 to 3 per person). Cut slices of epoisse ...

Toast Gingerbread/Epoisse

I preferred to serve as an aperitif, so no salad for me ...

Ingredients (6 servings):
1 fresh gingerbread

1 fresh epoisses (especially not refined!)

1 green salad

Cut slices of gingerbread (2 to 3 per person)

Cut slices of fresh epicure

on the gingerbread and put in the oven at 200 ° C to brown and melt the gingerbread mixture.

Serve these toasts on a bed of green salad.

Ingredients 8 medium sized potatoes 3 cooked smoked sausages 1 large onion 1tete of garlic salt/pepper Herbs of provende Olive oil In a frying pan, put a bottom of oil and fry onion and garlic finely chopped. At the end......

750g ground beef 1 tbsp. ground cumin 1 tbsp. paprika 1 tbsp. ground coriander 1 tbsp chopped parsley 2 tbsp olive oil 2 cloves garlic 2 tbs peeled tomatoes salt, coriander pepper chopped...

This recipe is a lukewarm tasting that the chocolate is still soft.Excellent and fast..for 4 small gourmand Spread the pasta and put the tablet of pralinoise in the center, cut out as in the photos, sliced ​​banana that you put on the tablet, sprinkle ......

You can serve as an apero cut in cubes or cut in Trinché beak a green salad. We can also replace the grapes with walnuts - 200 g of flour - 1 packet of yeast - 200 g of cream - 3 eggs - 150 g of Roquefort - 70 g of grapes ......