When it's cold, I love to make this kind of simple soup fast and effortless ...... Ingredients 2 cubes of beef broth 1,5litre water Soup (letters, star etc.) Heat the water with the 2 cubes When everything is hot, add ...

Beef soup soup in my way

When it's cold, I love doing this kind easy and effortless simple soup ......


2 cubes of beef broth

1,5litre water

Soup soup (letters, star etc.)

Heat the water with the 2 cubes

When everything is hot, add the pasta, quantity according to your taste .perso I puts 4 handfuls

Cook on low heat, stirring occasionally

When the pasta is cooked,

Serve .....

Ideal when it's cold ....

750g ground beef 1 tbsp. ground cumin 1 tbsp. paprika 1 tbsp. ground coriander 1 tbsp chopped parsley 2 tbsp olive oil 2 cloves garlic 2 tbs peeled tomatoes salt, coriander pepper chopped...

Ingredients (2 portions): - 1 shallot - 1 knob of butter - 50 cl of red wine 100 g of bacon - 15 cl of veal stock - vinegar -2 eggs (large) salt and pepper Finely chop the shallot. In a saucepan and melt the nut of butter and ......

My children being at home for the week, I double the proportions and I got 25 donuts. For 4 people 350 g flour 15 cl warm milk 2 eggs 1 sachet baker's yeast 25 g caster sugar + decorate 1 salt 25 g of ......

This recipe is a lukewarm tasting that the chocolate is still soft.Excellent and fast..for 4 small gourmand Spread the pasta and put the tablet of pralinoise in the center, cut out as in the photos, sliced ​​banana that you put on the tablet, sprinkle ......