When it's cold, I love to make this kind of simple soup fast and effortless ...... Ingredients 2 cubes of beef broth 1,5litre water Soup (letters, star etc.) Heat the water with the 2 cubes When everything is hot, add ...

Beef soup soup in my way

When it's cold, I love doing this kind easy and effortless simple soup ......


2 cubes of beef broth

1,5litre water

Soup soup (letters, star etc.)

Heat the water with the 2 cubes

When everything is hot, add the pasta, quantity according to your taste .perso I puts 4 handfuls

Cook on low heat, stirring occasionally

When the pasta is cooked,

Serve .....

Ideal when it's cold ....

 Soup broth beef in my way
 All-chocolate express pacifier

Chocolate express lollipop 2 package oreo 3 cases Nutella 2 shocks of shock white Sequins of sugars deco Mix the oreo finely Add Nutella and mix to make a homogeneous Pate Form dumplings Melt 2 white chocolate bars ......

 Sautéed potatoes and smoked sausages

Ingredients 8 medium sized potatoes 3 cooked smoked sausages 1 large onion 1tete of garlic salt/pepper Herbs of provende Olive oil In a frying pan, put a bottom of oil and fry onion and garlic finely chopped. At the end......

 Happy New Year to all

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......

 Pistachio Macaroons

Recipe taken on kitchen Addict For hulls 70 g egg white (about 2 eggs but I recommend weighing) 140 g icing sugar 80 g almond powder 20 g caster sugar Food color green powder For the pistachio paste ......