Having already made this recipe I wanted to try with brik dough and almond cream. I made my Moroccan honey syrup. I divide the recipe by two. Ingredients: Filo dough 24 sheets 150 g butter for the pastry Cream of almond ...

Rolled almond roll

Having already made this recipe I wanted to try with brik dough and almond cream. I made my Moroccan honey syrup. I divide the recipe by two.

Filo dough 24 sheets
150 g butter for the pastry
Crème d'almond shortbread

260 g almond powder 150 g butter 200 g sugar 3 eggs and aroma almond 4 to 5 tablespoons flour. Preheat your oven to 180. Then prepare the almond cream by mixing the melted butter, sugar, almonds, eggs and 5 drops of almond flavor. Once the mixture is homogeneous, add the flour. Leave besides . Melt a little butter, spread a first sheet of brick, brush with a brush the surface of the sheet, deposit the equivalent of a large spoonful of almond cream with the fingers form it a pudding. For folding refer to the picture below. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, put in the oven at 180 ° C until the pastries are golden brown. At the end of the oven, drizzle each piece with a spoonful of oriental honey. cool 1 hour

Almond rolled leaflet
 Rolled almond curette
 Rolled almond leaflet
Almond rolled leaflet
 Rolled almond leaflet
 Laminated Fir with Pesto

Ingredients 2 puff pastry 1 pesto pot (quantity according to your taste) 1 yolk sesame seed pu poppy Preparation: Preheat your oven to 180 °. Spread one puff pastry and brush it with pesto to the edge of the dough. Place ......

 Good weekend

recipes simple, fast and according to my mood and my courage ......

 weekend in room d Itemprop =

We had planned our Easter weekend in bed and breakfast. We had chosen the Charterhouse in Yonne. We have not been disappointed. a warm welcome, simple in the good mood .the place is quiet, the ideal setting for a total rest and in silence .........

 Cake chicken and mustard

Here is a cake ideas for the aperitif Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes Ingredients (for 4 people): - 200 g flour - 4 eggs - 2 chicken cutlet - 100 g cheese - 20 cl of oil of olive - 20 cl of white wine -1cac seeds ......